Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Introduction to the Accountant (Tech Tip: Embedded in Youtube)

The Accountant Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Ben Affleck Movie HD

Hey everyone,

My name is Logan Lambert (as you can probably tell from my blog) and I am a junior, accounting major at OU. I don't know if there is one particular exciting thing about my major (most people would say none), but for some reason it is enjoyable to me. I've been fortunate with my accounting professors thus far and hope that streak will continue! A few of my hobbies include golfing, working out, fishing, various other sports (basically anything outside), reading, and hanging out with friends/family. I played golf throughout high school and was lucky enough to find the golf club at OU, which I decided to join. Golf is also how I met my current roommate who is on the actual OU Golf Team. The reason I enjoy working out and being outdoors is because it is a huge stress reliever for me. Whether it is running in the morning or relaxing outside on campus, I love to take those leisure times throughout the week.

A newfound hobby of mine would also have to be cooking. After being in college for a few years, I have had to learn how to fend for myself when it comes to eating. Now that I am accustomed to doing so, it is a challenge to me to see if I can make acceptable food on a college budget. I try to expand out of the box, but mostly stick with what I know such as chicken or shrimp (not quite Bobby Flay standards).
(Fail.  --  Allen Lee)
Source: Flickr

This past summer I was introduced to a series of books called The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. It quickly became my favorite series as I tore through them in my spare time (all day). They may not be for everybody, but I would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a new series to start. As far as music goes, I basically listen to anything under the sun. I love to use Spotify to search for less popular music to see if I can find songs that are somewhat diamonds in the rough. Along with the music I listen to, I try to learn some of the songs on guitar. I wouldn't say I am very good, but when I'm actually able to play a song and someone else guess what it is, I feel a great sense of accomplishment.

(kpmg  --  Line Orstavik)
Source: Flickr
My biggest accomplishment last semester would have to do with an internship with KPMG (accounting firm). I was extremely ecstatic to receive an offer from them, but it was also a great accomplishment for me because it forced me outside of my comfort zone. I had to attend receptions, interviews, dinners and things of that sort in order for the firm to make their decision. I hadn't ever been exposed to such situations before, so it took a great deal of learning and accepting (the stress) for me to become comfortable. Although I'm not perfectly relaxed in those types of situations, it taught me a lot, which is a big reason as to why I would consider it a top accomplishment from last semester.

Hopefully this semester will bring even bigger and better accomplishments!


  1. I sure wish accounting appeared as exciting as the movie The Accountant! But I have to say that I do find the routine and structure in the field rather exciting. But then again, some people think I'm weird. Congrats on that internship! I'm quite nervous myself trying to find a path to follow that would (hopefully) lead to internships and/or a job. Also, keep up the work on cooking and you'll find yourself making some insanely tasty dishes. I've always enjoyed cooking, but that kinda died when I was thrown into a dorm and shown the Caf. Luckily, my food class (that you had commented on) has reawakened my desire to cook. Last note: props to you for finding interest in golf! I never could get into it even after taking lessons as a child. I bet that skill will come in handy one day!

  2. Ha ha, what a perfect video to include, Logan! I saw the trailer for that movie in the theater a while back, and it really looked good, too. Somehow I just don't think anyone is ever going to make a movie called The Online Instructor, ha ha. But if they did, hey, maybe somebody awesome like Julia Roberts could play me!

    And thank you for the Jim Butcher recommendation. I've had his books on my reading list for a long time but have not gotten to them. You have now bounced him up the list! My preference is to listen to audiobooks when I can, and Audible.com has all the Dresden books — and there are so many of them!

    I saw you did some of the extra credit options for Week 1, too, which is super! If you build up some extra credit like that now, it means you can easily take time out in this class when you have heavy-duty commitments that require your attention. That's a great way to start the semester in this class, and I hope you will have fun with the reading and stories to come!

  3. Logan,

    I have never seen the movie but all this excitement is making me want to! In life I have heard it “takes all kinds,” so it’s amazing that what you find exciting is not necesairily what everyone else does! I also share your love to cook – if you are big into comfort food I would HIGHLY suggest using The Pioneer Woman’s cookbook. It really is fantastic!

    Way to go on your exciting internship – as a junior it seems that you are very on track for a wonderful career!


  4. Well it is awesome that you are on track for a career path that you enjoy! An internship is a great way to ensure that you are making the right decision..and it looks like you are because you excelled! Math has never been a strong (or favorite) area for me so I am thankful there are people like you out there in the world who actually enjoy numbers! That is also cool that you have other hobbies you enjoy such as golf and cooking that can serve as stress relievers now and in your future as a top notch accountant.

  5. You are involved in so many cool things, Logan, and I must say that I am pretty jealous of your cooking skills! I have yet to acquire any in college... Congratulations on your internship with KPMG! I can imagine that would be very nerve-wracking to step outside of your comfort zone but that's fantastic that it led to you landing the internship. Like Savannah said, I am not a numbers person, so I am very grateful that there are people like you who enjoy it and have a knack for it! I also think it's really cool that you are so involved with the Golf Club at OU (my dad would absolutely love that) and met a cool friend through such a fun hobby. I hope your semester is off to a great start so far!!

  6. Hey Logan! In a weird coincidence you have a lot in common with my boyfriend, including your last name! My brother and dad both love to golf and go to the range almost every single day of the week! Its lots of fun to drive the cart around which is always my job, but I'm not complaining! My brother works for an accounting and finance firm so I understand the idea that nobody understand the enjoyment in your major, I have never understood my brothers!

  7. Hey Logan!
    It's awesome that you love being outdoors, so many people think that nature is overrated. Have you ever gone hiking in the mountains? I used to go often before moving here and I miss it. If you are looking for a different recipe to try out your cooking ability on you should try shrimp linguine, its pretty simple but tastes great!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hey Logan! My roommate is actually a Graduate Student in the accounting department! While I've never played real golf, I'm atrocious enough at mini-golf as it is.
    It's super admirable that you go running and cook. Those would be pretty close to the top of my least favorite things list.
    I've never tried Spotify, but I like listening to large mixes on YouTube and trying all of the random recommendations it gives me.
    Your internship sounds super cool! I also tend to stay in my comfort zone, so maybe there's hope for me yet.

  10. Hey Logan it is nice to meet you! First off congrats on the internship and offer from KPMG. That is an awesome firm and I hope you get to stick with them. That is awesome that you are on the OU golf team. I am relatively new to playing golf on a regular basis but I wish I would have picked it up earlier. I will definitely look into that book series though. I have been looking for a new series to get into so I will have to check it out. Good luck to you this semester and your career!

  11. Hi Logan! Very nice to meet you! Very cool that you embedded a video to your introduction. That's a really awesome internship that you landed. I am not a cook but I would like to learn one day. I'm thinking about getting into the meal prep thing so that I will stop eating out as much. Also, you play guitar? That's awesome! I'm not musically talented at all.

  12. Hey Logan! It's nice to meet you! Congrats on your internship with KPMG, my elder brother worked for them for 4 years in Kuwait as a senior auditor and gained a lot of exposure in the industry by going out of his comfort zone. I have worked on my kitchen game too, being in college and trying to eat all those calories while working out puts you in the kitchen! Goodluck on your semester and career!

  13. Hi! Nice to meet you. Sounds great that you love your major and that you're active with golf! Congrats on the internship, too! That sounds very stressful :( but I'm glad that it pushed you out of your comfort zone and that you've adapted! That's a lot to go through and it's awesome that you've managed to handle it all so well.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hi Logan,
    Wow, I give you props for pursuing an accounting major. I am taking an accounting class this semester, and it has been nothing but rocky. It is a lot harder than it seems! Haha I feel you on the adaptation to cooking. Food has to be edible and affordable in college! Congrats on you internship, and good luck on your future endeavors!

  16. Nice to meet you Logan! I bet you are happy that the weather is warming up now since all of your hobbies are outdoors! It is great that you have already found what you love to do for a job and that you have already gotten an internship! A lot of people don’t figure out what they want to do in college for a long time and end up graduating late! I look forward to exploring your blog!

  17. Hey Logan! Nice to meet you! I respect you for wanting to be an accountant! It is definitely not for me but it is great that you are doing something that you love. Congrats on the internship and job offer! I bet that is a huge weight lifted off of you! That is a big deal! It is awesome that you like to cook too! Wish I did haha!

  18. Congrats on your internship!!! I just finished applying to a few and have my fingers crossed for one this summer. My sister used to want to be an accountant haha but she's since decided she wants to be a computer engineer. I've never really thought much about accounting, but if it's like the Ben Affleck movie maybe I need to look into it more. I also love cooking!! It's just so relaxing to chop vegetables and then when you get to eat your own delicious food, it's just so great. Good luck on the rest of your semester!

  19. Hi Logan! Congratulations on your internship! I have to be honest though, I have never been a big fan of accounting. I find it incredibly tiresome, but I admire that you have found something that you enjoy immensely and you are choosing to pursue it as your career! Good luck to you for your future and it was very nice to meet you!

  20. Hi Logan! It sounds like you are very well-rounded an have a lot of cool hobbies. I have recently started to get into cooking too, which can be a struggle with our busy college schedules! I actually thought accounting was the biggest struggle ever, so props to you for doing so great with it. Congrats on getting an internship, that is a huge accomplishment!!

  21. Hey Logan! Good to see someone else who likes playing guitar here. Anyways, congratulations on your internship at the accounting firm! You seem really excited to have done it and it looks like you learned a lot while you were there. I also think it's really neat that you're getting into cooking, as someone who started cooking for themself recently, it feels nice knowing you're eating something you cooked, doesn't it? Like it tastes better or something.

  22. Hey Logan,
    I'm right there with you at loving the outdoors. There's just something about getting outside and enjoying the nature.
    What an exciting and awesome opportunity you had interning at KPMG. That had to be nerve-wracking, all of those receptions, etc., but I'm sure very rewarding.

    Good luck to you the rest of the semester and in your future!
