Thursday, February 2, 2017

Famous Last Words: Shimmers of Hope

I read Homer's Odyssey this week and I'd like to say that the first part of the reading is the best assigned reading I've been exposed to up to this point in the course. I felt genuinely invested in the story as Odysseus' adventures unfolded, which also helped my note taking. In particular, my note taking, seems to have improved slightly from the first week we did so. As for the 2nd part of the reading, I wasn't able to dive quite as deep into the plot, so my note taking degraded in quality. Some of the information just seemed extraneous, so I zoned out slightly at times. Having a great story as your base really helps the story planning process. I wouldn't consider creativity to be one of my greatest qualities, but I felt "the creative juices flowing" this week. I really enjoyed trying to come up with a new story. Hopefully the planning and thinking I've done for next week's story will pay off. Maybe I can actually create a story people would want to read more of, wouldn't that be CRAZY!
(Miracle-Gro  --  Mike Mozart)
Source: Flickr

The content of my other classes (all math based) don't really crossover with the material in this class, but I would say that the Growth Mindset and H.E.A.R.T. challenges are helping me beyond this course. Talking to my roommate and trying new reading techniques (this week's extra credit) exposed me to the topics even further. I've been able to incorporate the reading aloud technique in my other classes this semester, and it has actually helped. Taking the time to read the material out loud allows me to slow down and be accountable for what I say. When not reading aloud, I am definitely guilty of partially zoning out and skimming words, sentences, maybe even paragraphs… Oops. I'm excited to see what challenges lie ahead and how I can improve all around!

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